Third Annual El Camino Real Ride Draws More Than 100 Riders for Protected Bike Lanes

El Camino Real riders gathered for photo

We are thrilled to announce the resounding success of the 3rd Annual El Camino Real Ride! This event has become a cherished tradition, and we are excited to share the highlights from this year's ride.

The ride is held annually to raise awareness that there is strength in numbers and that protected bicycle lanes on this major street are critical to creating a safe environment for all road users who utilize El Camino as a destination or passthrough.

As you may recall, the El Camino Real Ride was born in 2021 under the leadership of Santa Clara local team leader, Gabriela Landaveri. Since then, it has evolved into a remarkable event that brings together cycling enthusiasts from Santa Clara, Sunnyvale, and beyond. Last year, the route was expanded from Santa Clara's El Camino Real to include Sunnyvale's El Camino Real and this year, Local Team Leads Gabriela (Santa Clara), Sharlene Liu (BikeSunnyvale), and Bruce England (Mountain View) continued the momentum onto Mountain View.

If you ride El Camino Real or have chosen not to you are aware that El Camino Real is not the most bike-friendly location. Riding on El Camino Real is challenging because it has fast-moving cars, no bike lanes and on-street car parking. For this reason, the Team Leads chose to travel as a “bicycle bus" to be visible to drivers, taking over the rightmost traffic lane and flanking the group with SVBC ride leaders to keep everyone safe and together. As a result, the group felt safe and comfortable — but that wouldn't be the case if they were riding alone. 

We are proud to report that this year's ride was a true testament to the growing interest in comfortably and safely being able to bike on El Camino Real. More than 100 individuals from throughout Santa Clara County joined to create a vibrant bike bus that journeyed down El Camino Real for a delightful, and sunny 10-mile ride. The camaraderie and energy among the participants were truly contagious, making the event a memorable experience for everyone involved.

Moreover, we were honored to be joined by esteemed guests who share our passion for enhancing cycling infrastructure in the area. VTA bike-ped planners, Brent Pearse, and Lauren Ledbetter graced us with their presence and offered a sneak peek into an exciting future for El Camino Real through VTA’s Central Bikeway Project. This will be the area’s first bike superhighway — a 2-way bikeway that will connect Santa Clara and San Jose, envisioning a more bike-friendly and sustainable community.

In addition, Ria Lo, Mountain View's Transportation Manager informed that ECR, spanning across Palo Alto, Los Altos, and Mountain View, is set to receive dedicated bike lanes within the next 1-2 years. Protected Bike lanes on ECR have been a long-standing priority for SVBC and we are excited to see the first set of bike lanes finally go on the ground.

We were also honored to have the company of Sunnyvale Mayor Larry Klein and Councilmember Linda Sell, who rode alongside us and Santa Clara Vice Mayor Kevin Park and staff from County of Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors Cindy Chavez’s office for showing their commitment to promoting cycling and sustainable transportation.

A special thank you goes to Enno, Bike Sunnyvale’s official photographer for capturing wonderful moments from the ride through his photography. We have attached a group photo taken at Pints of Joy Ice Cream shop, which encapsulates the joy and unity that this event brings to our community. If you would like to donate any photos that you took at the event or to view the photos that were taken please click here: Donate photos or View photos.

We hope that you will join us next year for the 4th Annual El Camino Real Ride….next stop Palo Alto! If you're interested in staying engaged with the developments on El Camino Real and advocating for bike lanes, there are a few avenues you might want to explore:

1. Stay Informed through the Latest Blog : If you'd like to delve deeper into the latest updates and discussions surrounding El Camino Real's biking infrastructure, I encourage you to check out our newest blog post. It's a great way to stay informed about the ongoing efforts and discussions within the biking community. 

2. Additionally, consider joining the El Camino Real Google Group, where like-minded individuals come together to share insights and ideas.

3. Take Action by participating in with Caltrans Bay Area Bike Lane Survey. Caltrans Bay Area (District 4) is in the process of updating its 2018 Bike Plan, and this presents a fantastic opportunity for you to voice your opinions and contribute to the cause. Caltrans owns the right-of-way on ECR and they are responsible for any changes on this corridor. Let them know your vision of ECR and other state highways that Caltrans owns and manages. Make your voice heard and let Caltrans know that you're eager to see bike lanes on El Camino Real, I encourage you to take part in the survey they've designed for this purpose. Your responses will help in prioritizing the needs of cyclists and furthering the cause of safer and more accessible biking infrastructure.

4. ECR ride in South City/pilot project - In conjunction with the San Mateo County Safe Routes to school team, SVBC is supporting the City of South San Francisco with community engagement for its El Camino Real Temporary Demonstration Pilot Project. On Saturday, September 16, we will be organizing a community ride through the pilot area to encourage folks to use the new facility and collect survey responses and feedback. We could use all the support we can get. If you’d like to participate, volunteer, or offer advice, please contact

5. Subscribe to SVBC’s regular publications (form link)

Let's continue to pedal forward together, advocating for improved cycling infrastructure and fostering a healthier, more connected community. Stay tuned for future updates, and keep an eye out for upcoming events that will continue to celebrate the spirit of cycling.

Ride on!


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